Monday, March 11, 2013

Motivation Mondays: What Gets You Outta Bed?

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Rise n' shine city peeps! It's Motivation Monday! Time to kick-start your workouts and make healthy choices that will keep your goals in check all week!

Today's post is inspired by an article I read recently [read it here] about exercise and motivation. The question was "What got you out of bed for your workout this morning?" This struck a chord with me - what was motivating me to workout? Now, I don't workout in the morning but I do find time to exercise after a long day of work, on weekends, I try new classes and sports, and attempt new fitness crazes - tabata, plyometrics, bootcamp and HIIT. Recently, I started Insanity and OMG is it ever hard! Each workout is exactly that - insane! Usually, I find time to workout late at night when others are winding down and settling into bed. So, what gives?

I decided to give this some thought. It's really important to think about the reasons you workout because your answer will help fuel future sweat sessions and act as reminders when motivation is lacking. I came across this quote in Jillian Michael's book Slim For Life - "He who has a Why to live for, can bear almost any How" by Nietzsche. Basically, you need to identify your "why"....hmm, easier said than done. I have a good sense of why I workout, but I haven't reminded myself in awhile and lately I've slacked off more than I'd like to admit. Sometimes my motivation comes from external factors - cute new running shoes I wanna test out, look good in a pair of skinny jeans, upcoming vacation. Other times, my motivation is intrinsic - beat my personal running best, develop my volleyball skills, or I have fun doing it! My reasons vary from workout to workout, but the ultimate why remains the same. I workout because I want to maintain a healthy body weight, build muscle strength, enhance performance, manage stress, improve overall quality of life, and most importantly, I love the way it makes me feel!

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When you figure out the why, the next step is putting it into action. There is tons of research out there on the best time of day to workout. Most tend to favour morning sweat sessions, claiming that you have more energy throughout the day, it jump-starts your metabolism, less likely to skip it, make healthier food choices, etc. All valid points. But, I think the best time of day is when you can make time for it and you have the energy. I am not a morning person at all! I'm more of a night owl which would explain why most of my workouts happen at night. A couple of years ago, I did a 6 am bootcamp class, three times a week for 3 months! When I think back, I don't know how I did that - where did my motivation to do that come from? Boy, would I love to get that back! More recently, I joined a volleyball clinic on Sundays at 9 am and did not make it out to as many classes as I would have liked. For me, morning workouts equal: sleepy + no energy + not happening (unless I'm bribed with a coffee)! So, think about when you are at your physical best or when you have the time and plan your workouts around that.

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So, what motivates you to workout? Think about why you choose to hit the gym when everyone else is hittin' up happy hour. Think about why you said no to that piece of cake when everyone else had a slice. Think about what choices you will make today that will bring you closer to your ultimate goal

I'm working out today because it's the beginning of the week, I haven't exercised since Friday and I miss it!

Have an awesome week city peeps!!

L&V, xo


  1. Insanity kicked my butt last month. I am currently on hiatus from that madness. I love that Nietzche quote, it is applicable to so many areas of life.

    Cant we hit up the gym AND happy hour? Haha. Great post!

  2. Hey Ashley! That's awesome you started Insanity! Don't you just hate to love the craziness of each workout? Gym + happy hour....yes please! Happy hour is much more enjoyable after you've kicked some at the gym! Thanks for stopping by!
