Sunday, February 3, 2013

February Kickoff: Librarians Unite!

Hi guys! How are you doing? :) Happy Fit & Fab February!

Every year, the Ontario Library Association (OLA) holds its annual 3-day Super Conference in Toronto where librarians from all across Canada gather to do what we do, no, not shush each other, but share ideas on how we can continue to educate, entertain, and empower (#SC13Theme). Not to mention free books & author signings!! Yes, that kind of stuff makes us very happy. And yes, we are librarians, in case you didn't believe it the first time we told ya.

So we took a day away from the reference desk and ventured off to the Super Conference! 
*Side note: It's a Super conference because librarians are superheroes. Don't believe me? Read this: 20 heroic librarians who save the world.

A conference is exciting in itself, but a librarian conference? You haven't seen anything yet. I always look forward to going because I always end up meeting the quirkiest & most interesting people from all walks of life; we also bumped into tons of old friends, classmates & colleagues too.

Everyone has a different story about how they joined the profession (we will tell you ours one day, in a separate post). Public, special, academic, medical, corporate, new & old generation librarians..all in one place! You may think that all librarians still do look the part (major stereotype alert: glasses, hair bun, 'practical' clothing). But, we beg to differ! At least, not all of us dress that way. You'd be surprised as to how the profession has evolved over the years :)

OLA #SC13 Expo

Me and my swag next to my fave display of recipe books

V in a Brodart reading chair - it plays music off your ipod and no one else can hear it! 2 words: Blown. Away. #Nerds
OLA #SC13 Expo

We ended our Finish-Strong-Friday with Insanity & cardio for V, DailyHiit's HiitMax #5 & HiitCore #3 for me. We know it's hard juggling work and exercise, especially after a long exhausting day at the office. So that's why you gotta make a workout schedule and stick to it! Fit in your workout before or after your shift; it's completely up to you. But make the effort, because it is SO worth it. Nothing's stopping you...except you. But hey, we are ok with happy hour once in a while ;)

Hope everyone is having a great start to Fit & Fab February!



  1. Awesome post! Love the look, feel, and vibe of this blog! keep up the good stuff :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Debby! Check back for more updates! :)

  2. You ladies look fantastic! I wish I could go to the conference.
    You are so right: it is hard to make your self work out after a long day. We need to remind ourselves how good we will feel after a "sweat sesh". When I am too exhausted or cannot afford the time to do a full hour or more of a workout I talk myself into at least a 20 minute one, maybe a low impact one, or maybe a short high impact one. I am of a mind that something - even a little - is better than nothing. If I do it at the end of the day it brings life back to my cells; if I squeeze it in before work it energizes me and keeps me positive and alert all day. Both are good motivators, right?

    1. Hi Irina! We love your positive attitude. Getting into the mindset that even a short workout is better than nothing, is usually the biggest challenge for most of us. Keep it up!

  3. Great post. I didn't get to go this year so its so nice to be able to read about your experience!
