Tuesday, March 26, 2013

7 Healthy Changes to Make Today

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Hey city peeps! Happy Double Whammy Tuesday! You know the drill: do double the reps, go twice as hard or do double the workouts! Let's GO! 

Today's post is about simple healthy changes you can make right now that will bring you closer to your ideal weight and help you meet your fitness goals. L and I are always looking for small changes we can make daily to bring us closer to being our healthiest selves. Since we started our journey, we've made many adjustments to our regular routines that have given us HUGE results. So, we decided to put together a list of our top 7 healthy changes that have helped us see a BIG difference in our endurance, strength, skin, energy levels, waistlines and overall well-being. Read on for a list of simple habits you  can incorporate into your lifestyle today!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Stop Sabotaging My Fitness Goals!

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Happy Thursday city peeps! We are more than halfway through the week, hooray! I hope everyone stays focused and strong until TGIF, beastmode style!

This post is inspired by my recent experience with people that sabotage instead of support my healthy lifestyle. At first, I didn't realize what was happening; I was skipping workouts and having cheat meals more than once a week. I wasn't meeting my fitness goals and it didn't feel right. What was happening? It wasn't like me at all. I started to take notice and realized I was being sabotaged! The saboteur turned out to be a master manipulator - it wasn't their first time - and loved to prey on my vulnerability. They knew I was tired after a long day of work and that I was having a sugar craving. Pure evil! I didn't stand a chance. In retrospect, it's easy to see how I succumbed to the negative pull of peer pressure. In a moment of weakness, my healthy efforts were seriously derailed.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Motivation Mondays: What Gets You Outta Bed?

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Rise n' shine city peeps! It's Motivation Monday! Time to kick-start your workouts and make healthy choices that will keep your goals in check all week!

Today's post is inspired by an article I read recently [read it here] about exercise and motivation. The question was "What got you out of bed for your workout this morning?" This struck a chord with me - what was motivating me to workout? Now, I don't workout in the morning but I do find time to exercise after a long day of work, on weekends, I try new classes and sports, and attempt new fitness crazes - tabata, plyometrics, bootcamp and HIIT. Recently, I started Insanity and OMG is it ever hard! Each workout is exactly that - insane! Usually, I find time to workout late at night when others are winding down and settling into bed. So, what gives?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Choosing the Right Gym

Hey city peeps, happy Saturday! Hope everyone had an awesome week! The temperatures are climbing and it's starting to feel like spring! Let's all take advantage by getting outside and enjoying this gorgeous weather!

We had a question thrown at us this week that we wanted to share. It was from someone that signed up for a gym membership with her sister and wanted to know what kind of workout to do. She joined because her sister asked her to. Kudos to her for being a supportive sister! I think anyone that decides to get healthy and start an exercise regime is very brave. This made me realize that being a gym newbie is intimidating. Signing the contract is the easy part, it's actually going that's hard! I've taken my ease at the gym for granted, some might even consider me a bit of a gym rat, because I've been going for years.
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Friday, March 1, 2013

Goodbye February, Hello March


Happy March & Finish Strong Fridays! How are you feeling after February's Love Yourself Challenge? It's a new month and a great opportunity to renew and energize our fitness goals.  March is so great because the change of seasons is upon us. Ahh, spring is just around the corner and we couldn't be more thrilled! It's been a long winter! I'm done with below zero temps, wind-chill factors, freezing rain and snowstorms! Bring on the warmer temps and sunshine!